Channel: GAM3VIDZ
Category: Gaming
Tags: black ops 3 zombies chroniclesblack ops 3 zombies easter eggcall of duty black ops 3call of duty®: black ops iiirevelationszombies chroniclesbo3 zombiesbo3 revelations zombiesblack ops zombiesblack ops 3 zombiesgam3vidzcall of dutyblack ops 3 zombies live streamblack ops 3black ops 3 revelations gameplaygam3vidz zombiesblack ops 3 gameplayzombiescall of duty zombiesstreamlootsrevelations zombiesrevelations live streamcod zombies
Description: Thanks for checking out my Revelations Live Stream! I'm playing Revelations on Call of Duty Black Ops 3 Zombies. 👑 - Become a member: 🃏 - Buy Cards to interact on Stream: 🤑 - Tip some money: ❤️ - Subscribe For More: 💬 - Join my discord: 🐦 - Follow me on twitter: -------- Revelations is the twenty-fourth Zombies map and the final map featured in Call of Duty: Black Ops III. The map takes place within Agartha after the release of the Shadowman from the Summoning Key. In contrast to other maps, the cosmic appearance of Revelations is distinct from other previous maps. The map features recurring gameplay elements such as the Guard of Fafnir and the Ragnarok DG-4s, but introduced new features such as the Corruption Engines and a new type of enemy, the Fury. Furthermore, fragments of past maps such as Shangri-La and Origins feature as structural components of the map. The Primis crew return for the final time as the playable characters. Enemies such as the Panzersoldat, the Parasites and the Spiders also return. It was released on September 6th 2016 for the PlayStation 4 and then later released on October 6th 2016 for the Xbox One and PC as part of the Salvation map pack. This was also accessible to Black Ops III Season Pass holders. -